Together we will design a yoga practice specific to your body’s needs.
Additional benefits include:
Improved coordination and balance
Less stress and anxiety
Improved flexibility and strength
Your Personalized Yoga Program
These are one-on-one sessions offering
support, accountability, and guidance.
Let’s collaborate to design a movement practice that addresses
your desire to exercise at home
your curiosity about how to manage your body changes as you age
get you ready for a community class
your stiff and achy body
nagging bladder leaks
loss of intimacy due to pelvic pain
strength in your pelvis so that everything stays in place
🎉 Can you imagine 🎉
Feeling flexible, fluid, and free to move and enjoy all the parts of your day?
Making it through an exercise class without a bathroom break.
Having no pain with intimacy with your partner?
Jumping on the trampoline with your kids without a falling out feeling?
YOga for Women’s HEalth
We will talk about what is going on, where you want to go, what is getting in the way and make an indestructible plan to get you there.
Go From
embarrassed by bladder leakage
isolated by pelvic pain
discouraged by a falling out feeling
to instead feeling
confident of your body
connected with your partner
capable of running and jumping